September 2017 – September 2020
Nevenka Lamut, Sonja Šega, Meri Vincek, Ota Trajković Haziri, Mirza Tvrtković, Luka Čepon, Stane Škarja, Tomaž Murn, Maja Marko
This is an international project, involving 7 european schools: from Ireland, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, France, Poland and Slovenia.
The overall aim of the project is to promote positive mental health among students, using playground games. We will help children to develop and understand emotions. We will cover a range of emotions, both positive and negative, and explore these emotions through different meduim using the curriculum.
Osnovna šola Vižmarje Brod
Na gaju 2
1000 Ljubljana
Uradne ure:
vsak delavnik: 7:00-15:00
Šola je odprta med 6:30 in 16:30.
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