Erasmus + KA2: "InDemand"

12. september 2023

»Teachers who INvestigate, DEsign, MAke ‘N Deliver (results)«

Project Duration

September 2020 – August 2022 (24 months)

Project Team

Nevenka Lamut, Sonja Šega, Tatjana Uhan, Urban Kržan, Mirjam Sedmak, Špela Zorman, Tomaž Urgl, Tomaž Murn

5 European countries

This is an international project, involving 5 schools:

  • St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary, Siggiewi, MALTA, coordinating school,
  • OŠ Vižmarje Brod, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA,
  • Colegio Publico de infantil primaria y secundaria maestro Rodrigo, Aranjuez, SPAIN
  • St. John’s Senior School, Kilkenny, IRELAND,
  • Istituto comprensivo F. de sanctis, Moiano, ITALY.

Project Activities

  • Term 1: ROBOTICS
  • Term 4: MECHANISMS
  • Robotics Lab at OŠ Vižmarje Brod
  • Robotics competitions
  • E Book (a bank of resources)
  • Video presentation of Vižmarje Brod/ Ljubljana / Slovenia
  • Dissemination

Staff Training Events

1. Malta
2. Slovenia
3. Italy
4. Ireland
5. Spain


The aim of this project is to get teachers together to explore STEM projects and share ideas and lesson plans in the area. The project will focus on 4 areas – Investigating Structures, Investigating Electric Circuits, Mechanisms and Robotics. In each area, teachers together with their students will try to meet challenges given in each of these areas. The project will try to come up with innovative challenges, gradually building up a bank of ideas which later on can be published and/or shared with a wider audience.



Through active participation in the project, the pupils will gain skills directly related to STEM projects. These skills are gathered in the acronym InDemand – which stands for Investigating, Designing, Making and Delivering Results. These skills are essential to STEM projects and are skills which are transferable to other areas of study.
The teachers involved in the project will also acquire competences and skills in imparting STEM related subjects and skills to their students
The sharing of the experiences and results between students and teachers from different countries will enrich the learning experience.


The idea is to focus on one particular area per term. Each participating partner school will work with the pupils on these areas and then the results will be shared. The work will be presented as a series of challenges.
Tentative calendar will run as follows:

  • January – March 2021: Robotics
  • April – June 2021: Structures
  • October – December 2021: Electric Circuits
  • January – March 2022: Mechanisms



A final product in the shape of a bank of resources is planned. This can be a publication and/or a public Twinspace.


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